Vasna(Borsad) is a small village in Anand district (Gujarat, INDIA) having population of 8000. The population of Vasna mainly survives on farming and agriculture, but in the last decade a lot of families have migrated from this village to cities and overseas. Vasna has the most NRI families out of the Chovis Gam Patidar Samaj (a territorial community of villages in charotar) and is most probably the most developed of the twenty-four villages within the territory.
Vasna has proper sewage system put in place as well as having the most reliable main power supply for the village. Other Chovis gam territories don’t have solid paving, even to this date, but Vasna, due to its overseas NRI population amounts, have had funding in place to provide this facility throughout the main parts of the village. The village is extremely clean compared to neighbouring villages and towns due to its people understanding the value of maintaining a cleaner environment around themselves.
Vasna (Borsad) has proved a very good record in Development as we can see the proofs of Development in forms of Articles in News Papers as Below: